Since 2003, has delivered over 1.5 million online continuing education (CE) hours to more than 60,000 AEC professionals nationwide. Our online interactive audio/visual courses feature narration, images and illustrations.

Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) Continuing Education Requirements

All certified and registered State of Florida contractors administered under the Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) are required to complete 14 hours of continuing education each two-year renewal cycle. As a part of the 14 hours of continuing education, you must complete at least one hour in each of the following areas of study:

  • Workplace Safety
  • Workers' Compensation
  • Business Practices
  • Advanced Module Building Code
  • Laws and Rules

Additionally, all General, Building, Residential, Roofing, Specialty Structure, and Glass and Glazing contractors must complete one hour of Wind Mitigation Methodology as part of their required 14-hours.

Course Reminder: CILB Pool Contractors will need a one hour Pool and Spa Electrical Requirements course. If you are a pool contractor be sure to include that course ("Pool and Spa Electrical Requirements") in your package, or you simply can choose our 14-hour Pool/Spa package which includes that course.

Once you've completed your continuing education, you still will need to process your license renewal through the Florida DBPR Web site.

Florida Home Inspectors CE information, click here.
Florida Mold-Related Services CE information, click here.

Choose Your Courses Below

Florida Contractor 14 Hour PackagesFlorida Contractor - Multiple LicensesREMODology Series and Florida CE Courses

Selected Courses

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Courses in Your Cart

 Category SelectedRequired
 Pool Electrical Requirements
-For Pool Contractors Only
0 1
 Advanced Module 0 1
 Business Practices 0 1
 Workplace Safety 0 1
 Laws and Rules 0 1
 Wind Mitigation 0 1
 Worker's Compensation 0 1
 Total Hours: 0 14
credit card image

New Requirement for Florida Pool Contractors

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia coursePool and Spa Electrical Requirements (PEC/GEN) 1.00 $11.00

Advanced Courses

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseAdvanced FBC Code Enforcement - Product Approval - TAC’s and Committees (ADV/T/GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseAdvanced FBC Permits - Inspections and Private Provider (ADV/HSW/GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseAdvanced Florida Building Code 8th Edition (2023) Accessibility 2.00 $22.00

Business Practices Courses
These courses only cover General (GEN) requirement for BCAIB
These courses cover Business Practices (BSP) and/or (GEN) requirement for CILB

Workplace Safety Courses
These courses only cover General (GEN) requirement for BCAIB
These courses cover Workplace Safety (WPS) and/or (GEN) requirement for CILB

Laws and Rules

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseFlorida Laws and Rules - 61G4 FAC (LR/GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseFlorida Laws and Rules - Chapter 489 (LR/GEN) 1.00 $11.00

Wind Mitigation

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseWind Mitigation Methodology - Retrofits for Existing Homes - 1 hr (WMM/GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseWind Mitigation Methodology - Retrofits for Existing Homes - 2 hour (WMM/HMM/GEN) (HSW) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseWind Mitigation Methodology - Retrofits for Existing Homes - 3 Hour (WMM/HMM/GEN) 3.00 $33.00

Workers Compensation Courses
These courses only cover (GEN) requirement for BCAIB
These courses cover Workers Compensation (WC) and/or (GEN) requirement for CILB

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseWorkers Compensation - A Brief History (WC/GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseWorkers Compensation - Employer's Guide to a Drug-Free Workplace (WC/GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseWorkers Compensation - Understanding Chapter 440 (WC/GEN) 1.00 $11.00


Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseAdvanced Wall Framing Techniques (GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseAgeless by Design(TM) sample 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseCool Roofs for Warm Climates (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseDanger in the Damp - Dealing with Mold (HSW) sample 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseDeveloping Your Stormwater Prevention Plan (GEN) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseEnergy Efficient Ventilation Techniques (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseEnvironmentally Safe Paints and Painting Techniques (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseFair Housing: A Study of Kitchens and Bathrooms (GEN) (AOA) (HSW) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseFair Housing: An In Depth Study of Accessible Routes (GEN) (AOA) (HSW) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseFair Housing: An Overview of the Fair Housing Act (GEN) (AOA) (HSW) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseGetting Decked - And Choosing How That Happens sample 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseHome Builder’s Guide to Coastal Construction (GEN) (HSW) 4.00 $44.00
multimedia courseIndoor Environmental Quality (GEN) (HSW) 3.00 $33.00
multimedia courseIndoor Humidifiers (GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseInnovations in Pool Technology (GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseMillwork Part I - Introduction to Millwork 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseMillwork Part II - Fundamentals of Construction 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseMillwork Part III - Wood as a Millwork Material 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseMillwork Part IV - Non-Wood Millwork Materials 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseMillwork Part V - Mouldings 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseMillwork Part VI - Door Frames 1.00 $11.00
multimedia coursePreventing Mold in New Construction (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseRaising the Roof (GEN) (HSW) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseReducing Energy Costs Through Fenestration Optimization (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseRefrigerants (GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseREMODology Part I - Get Paid for Your Time and Up-front Remodeling (GEN) sample 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseREMODology Part II - The Feasibility Study (BSP/GEN) sample 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseREMODology Part III - The Design Review (BSP/GEN) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseREMODology Part IV - Final Plans and Specifications (BSP/GEN) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseREMODology Part V - Construction Preparation (BSP/GEN) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseSolar Energized - An Overview of Solar Energy Systems (T) sample 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseThe Dynamic (often turbulent) Relationship Between the Construction Contractor and Building Designer - Part I (GEN) (LU) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseThe Dynamic (often turbulent) Relationship Between the Construction Contractor and Building Designer - Part II (GEN) (LU) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseThe Dynamic (often turbulent) Relationship Between the Construction Contractor and Building Designer - Part III (GEN) (LU) 3.00 $33.00
multimedia courseUrban Heat Islands sample 2.00 $22.00

At Pace, we understand the important role of continuing education in the lives of Florida construction contractors. Our online construction classes fully comply with CILB contractor licensing requirements, and we offer the flexibility to build your own curriculum of Florida CE units.

To meet your Florida contractor license requirements, you can select one course from each area of competency: worker's compensation; business practices; workplace safety; laws and rules, and advanced courses. Some Florida contractors must also complete courses in wind mitigation, depending on their areas of specialization. Beyond fulfilling Florida contractor license requirements, training for construction contractors is an ideal opportunity to expand knowledge and earn customer confidence.

Pace provides continuing education courses for builders, general contractors, and specialized contractors in all Florida cities and counties including, but not limited to:
Alachua, Brevard, Broward, Dade, Duval, Escambia, Flagler, Hernando, Hillsborough, Lee, Leon, Orange, Osceola, Pasco, Pinellas, Seminole, St. Johns, Volusia, Daytona, Ft. Lauderdale, Gainesville, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Pensacola, Punta Gorda, Tampa, Tallahassee


Florida CE providers are required to report course completion to the state DBPR within 10 business days of course completion. However, Pace reports your courses much quicker than the 10 business days required by the state. Pace has automated electronic reporting with the Florida DBPR. Courses are reported individually at the time each course is completed. The first course you complete with Pace is queued for us to manually review your license information and report to the state. This is typically done in 1 to 2 business days. Subsequent courses are reported immediately upon course completion (within seconds). Once reported, the course status will display a "Reported" icon rather than the "Completed" icon. The state typically updates its database within 1 to 3 businss days. You also can print out a Certificate of Completion for each course for your own records.

All certified and registered State of Florida contractors administered under the Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB) are required, as a part of the 14 hours of continuing education, to have at least one hour in each of the following areas of study:

Additionally General, Building, Residential, Roofing, Specialty Structure, and Glass and Glazing contractors must complete one hour of Wind Mitigation Methodology as part of their required 14-hours.