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Public Chapter 186 – Residential Continuing Education

Residential contractors (licensed after January 1, 2009) with a residential license classification of BC-A, BC-A/r, and BC-A,b(sm), will be required to obtain eight (8) hours of Board-approved Residential Continuing Education (RCE) as a prerequisite to renew.

Residential contractors, starting with ones expiring on January 31, 2022 and thereafter, will be required to show proof of eight (8) RCE hours with their contractor’s license renewal from any of the RCE Approved Providers and will need to attach to the contractors online renewal’s “File Attachment” as “Other - Disclosures and Additional Info” along with their Financial Statement and Certificate of Insurance. An individual designated as a Qualifying Agent (QA) on the contractor’s license will be responsible for attaining RCE on behalf of the licensed entity. For contractors with multiple qualifying agents, only one (1) will be required to obtain RCE to fulfill the license renewal requirements.

Reporting: Currently, reporting is at renewal and should include proof of RCE (Pace course completion certificates) along with the rest of your other renewal documents (such as Financial Statement, Certificate of Insurance, etc.) and should be done on the online renewal as an “Other-Disclosures and Additional Info” file attachment. RCE should not be sent separate from the renewal, therefore, do not rely on the RCE provider to report on your behalf.

For more information, visit the Tennessee Board for Licensing Contractors.

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PDF course Non-timed, read-only PDF document with online testing at the end.

speaker 2 Audio-visual course for computers, tablets and smartphones.

Currently, reporting is at renewal and should include proof of RCE (Pace course completion certificates) along with the rest of your other renewal documents (such as Financial Statement, Certificate of Insurance, etc.) and may do so on the online renewal as an “Other-Disclosures and Additional Info” file attachment. RCE should not be sent separate from the renewal, therefore, do not rely on the RCE provider to report on your behalf.

Residential contractors, licensed after January 1, 2009, with a residential license classification of BC-A, BC-A/r, and BC-A,b(sm), will be required to obtain eight (8) hours of Board-approved Residential Continuing Education (RCE) as a prerequisite to renew. The Qualifying Agent (QA) designated on the contractor’s license is the only individual who may obtain RCE for the license.