AIA is approved by the American Institute of Architects (AIA Provider # J607) to provide online continuing education courses to architects.

Since 2003 has delivered over 1.5 million online continuing education hours to more than 60,000 AEC professionals nationwide. Our online interactive audio/visual courses feature narration, images and illustrations. Our PDF format is a non-timed, read-only course with online testing at the end.

Note to AIA Members: New AIA rules do not allow its members to retake the same course at any time.

Nebraska State Board of Engineers and Architects Continuing Education Requirements

Architects must either meet the continuing education requirements of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for maintenance of membership in that organization, or have twenty-four (24) actual hours of architectural related learning. Of these 24 hours, at least sixteen (16) must address the safeguarding of life, health, and property (also referred to as Health, Safety, and Welfare), and one (1) must be directly related to ethical issues of professional practice.

  • Active licenses held by those whose last names begin with the
    A through K expire on December 31 of odd years. Period of education: 24 months previous to license expiration.
  • Active licenses held by those whose last names begin with the
    L through Z expire on December 31 of even years. Period of education: 24 months previous to license expiration.
  • Licensees may carry forward excess credit, up to a maximum of one-half the required credits from the previous biennial requirement, into the subsequent renewal period.

 Continuing Education Rules for Nebraska Architects (link to the Nebraska Architects Board Web site)

The maintenance of records used to support CE credits claimed is the licensee's responsibility. Records required include, but are not limited to:

  1. A log showing the type of activity claimed, sponsoring organization, location, duration, instructor's or speaker's name, and unit credits earned;
  2. Attendance verification records in the form of completion certificates, self-guided report submitals or other documents supporting evidence of attendance; or
  3. Records of CE activities maintained by AIA, the Professional Development Registry for Engineers and Surveyors (PDRES), NCEES CPC tracking program, or similar repositories.


Volume Discount

Purchase 10 or more hours and receive 40% off. Use Code "NEAR40".

Selected Courses

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Courses in Your Cart

 Category SelectedRequired
 Featured Courses 0 0
 Generational Design 0 0
 Building Systems 0 0
 Construction Contract Administration 0 0
 Environmental 0 0
 Legal 0 0
 Occupant Comfort 0 0
 Total Hours: 0 24
credit card image
PDF course Non-timed, read-only PDF document with online testing at the end.

speaker 2 Audio-visual course for computers, tablets and smartphones.

Building Systems

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia coursePreventing Mold in New Construction (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $19.00

Construction Contract Administration

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseThe Dynamic (often turbulent) Relationship Between the Construction Contractor and Building Designer - Part III (GEN) (LU) 3.00 $57.00


Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseBuilding for Energy Efficiency (BSP/T/GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $19.00


Course Sample Credit Hours Price

Occupant Comfort

Course Sample Credit Hours Price

Featured Courses

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseAgeless by Design(TM) sample 2.00 $38.00
   PDF courseAging in Place - Eliminating Traps (HSW) 4.00 $76.00
   PDF courseBiophilic Design and Senior Well Being for Architect and Design Professionals (HSW) 1.00 $19.00
multimedia courseDanger in the Damp - Dealing with Mold (HSW) sample 2.00 $38.00
   PDF courseDanger in the Damp - Dealing with Mold (HSW-PDF) 4.00 $76.00
multimedia courseGetting Decked - And Choosing How That Happens sample 2.00 $38.00
multimedia courseMinimizing Energy Use in Buildings sample 2.00 $38.00
multimedia courseProfessional Ethics for Architects 2.00 $38.00

Generational Design

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
   PDF courseAgeless Living by Design (HSW) 2.00 $38.00
   PDF courseDemographic Trends and Changes in the Aging Population Essential for Architects, Designers and Contractors to Identify (HSW) 1.00 $19.00
   PDF courseThe Senior Wellness Revolution (HSW) 1.00 $19.00
   PDF courseWhere is Home - The Aging Population and Where They Live (HSW) 1.00 $19.00

Building Systems

Construction Contract Administration



Occupant Comfort

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseIndoor Environmental Quality (GEN) (HSW) 3.00 $57.00
   PDF courseSound Advice for Acoustics PDF (HSW) 4.00 $76.00

The maintenance of records used to support CE credits claimed is the licensee's responsibility. Records required include, but are not limited to:

  1. A log showing the type of activity claimed, sponsoring organization, location, duration, instructor's or speaker's name, and unit credits earned;
  2. Attendance verification records in the form of completion certificates (Pace provider completion certificates for all completd courses), self-guided report submitals or other documents supporting evidence of attendance; or
  3. Records of CE activities maintained by AIA, the Professional Development Registry for Engineers and Surveyors (PDRES), NCEES CPC tracking program, or similar repositories.

Nebraska architects must either meet the continuing education requirements of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) for maintenance of membership in that organization, or have twenty-four (24) actual hours of architectural related learning. Of these 24 hours, at least sixteen (16) must address the safeguarding of life, health, and property (also referred to as Health, Safety, and Welfare), and one (1) must be directly related to ethical issues of professional practice.

Active licenses held by those whose last names begin with the initials A through K expire on December 31 of odd years. Period of education: 24 months previous to license expiration.
Active licenses held by those whose last names begin with the initials L through Z expire on December 31 of even years. Period of education: 24 months previous to license expiration.

Licensees may carry forward excess credit, up to a maximum of one-half the required credits from the previous biennial requirement, into the subsequent renewal period.