Since 2003, has delivered over 1.5 million online continuing education hours to more than 60,000 AEC professionals nationwide. Our online interactive audio/visual courses feature narration, images and illustrations. Our PDF format is a non-timed, read-only course with online testing at the end.

Montana Continuing Education Requirements

Montana Administrative Rule 24.183.2105.3 Continuing Professional Competency Requirements

  1. Professional Engineers licenses must be renewed in each even-numbered year by June 30.
  2. Every licensee is required to obtain 30 PDH units during the two-year renewal period.

Montana Administrative Rule 24.183.2105.6 Continuing Professional Competency Record Maintenance and Verification

  1. The responsibility of maintaining records to be used to support credits claimed is the responsibility of the licensee.
  2. These records must be maintained for a period of three years and copies may be requested by the board for audit verification purposes.

For more information, visit the Montana Continuing Professional Competency Website.

Selected Courses

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Courses in Your Cart

 Category SelectedRequired
 Ethics 0 0
 Featured 0 0
 Civil Engineering 0 0
 Business Planning 0 0
 Energy Efficiency 0 0
 Electrical 0 0
 General 0 0
 Total Hours: 0 30
credit card image
PDF course Non-timed, read-only PDF document with online testing at the end.

speaker 2 Audio-visual course for computers, tablets and smartphones.


Course Sample Credit Hours Price
   PDF courseBasic Engineering Ethics 1 Hour (PDF) 1.00 $19.00
multimedia courseProfessional Ethics for Engineers (1 hour) 1.00 $19.00
multimedia courseProfessional Ethics for Engineers (2 hours) 2.00 $38.00


Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseDanger in the Damp - Dealing with Mold (HSW) sample 2.00 $38.00
multimedia courseElevate Your Leadership - A Monkey Management Journey sample 2.00 $38.00
multimedia courseGetting Decked - And Choosing How That Happens sample 2.00 $38.00
multimedia courseMinimizing Energy Use in Buildings sample 2.00 $38.00
multimedia courseSolar Energized - An Overview of Solar Energy Systems (T) 2.00 $38.00
multimedia courseUrban Heat Islands sample 2.00 $38.00

Civil Engineering

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
   PDF courseBiological Wastewater Treatment Processes I - Activated Sludge 2.00 $38.00
   PDF courseBiological Wastewater Treatment Processes II - MBBR Processes 4.00 $76.00
   PDF courseBiological Wastewater Treatment Processes III - MBR Processes 2.00 $38.00
   PDF courseFlow Measurement in Pipes and Ducts 4.00 $76.00
   PDF courseHorizontal Curve Safety I - Basic MUTCD Devices 2.00 $38.00
   PDF courseHorizontal Curve Safety II - Enhanced Treatment 3.00 $38.00
   PDF courseHydraulic Design of Storm Sewers with Excel 4.00 $76.00
   PDF courseHydrology 1 - Precipitation 4.00 $76.00
   PDF courseHydrology 2 - Frequency Analysis of Flood Data 5.00 $90.00
   PDF courseManning Equation Open Channel Flow Calculations 4.00 $76.00
   PDF courseModern Roundabout Design I 3.00 $57.00
   PDF courseModern Roundabout Design II - Multilanes to Mini-Roundabouts 3.00 $57.00
   PDF courseNatural Gas Pipeline Flow Calculations 3.00 $57.00
   PDF courseOpen-Graded Friction Courses (OGFC) 2.00 $38.00
   PDF coursePartially Full Pipe Flow Calculations 3.00 $57.00
   PDF coursePassive Solar Heating Basics 4.00 $76.00
   PDF coursePipe Friction Flow Factor Calculations 3.00 $57.00
   PDF courseRational Method Hydrological Calculations 3.00 $57.00
   PDF courseRoadway Traffic Control Part 1 3.00 $76.00
   PDF courseRoadway Traffic Control Part 2 3.00 $76.00
   PDF courseRoadway Vertical Alignments 3.00 $57.00
   PDF courseRoller Compacted Concrete (RCC) 2.00 $38.00
   PDF courseSharp-Crested Weirs For Open Channel Flow Measurement 3.00 $57.00
   PDF courseSolar Energy Fundamentals 4.00 $76.00

Business Planning

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseMechanic's Lien Law (BSP/GEN) 2.00 $38.00
   PDF courseMechanics Lien Part 1 1.00 $19.00
   PDF courseMechanics Lien Part 2 1.00 $19.00

Energy Efficiency

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseBuilding for Energy Efficiency (BSP/T/GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $19.00
multimedia courseDaylighting for Energy Efficiency (BSP/T/GEN) 1.00 $19.00
multimedia courseEnergy Efficient Roofs (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $19.00
multimedia courseEnergy Efficient Ventilation Techniques (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $19.00



The responsibility of maintaining records to be used to support credits claimed is the responsibility of the licensee.

These records must be maintained for a period of three years and copies may be requested by the board for audit verification purposes.

Professional Engineers licenses must be renewed in each even-numbered year by June 30.

Every licensee is required to obtain 30 PDH units during the two-year renewal period.