Since 2003, has delivered over 1.4 million online continuing education (CE) hours to more than 50,000 AEC professionals nationwide. Our online interactive audio/visual courses feature narration, images and illustrations.

Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) Continuing Education Requirements

All Minnesota Residential builders (QB), remodelers (QC) and roofers (QR) must complete 14 hours of continuing education content before their biennial renewal, which is based on their date of licensure.

  • Course content must demonstrate significant intellectual or practical content and deal with matters directly related to residential construction, workforce safety, or the business of running a company in the residential construction industry.
  • One hour must include instruction related to energy codes or energy conservation measures applicable to residential structure.
  • One hour must include instruction related business management strategies applicable to residential construction businesses.

The following Pace courses have been approved by the Minnesota DLI:

  • Advanced Wall Framing Techniques. Approval # CRSE2309-0014
  • Ageless by Design Approval. # CRSE2309-0016
  • Danger in the Damp - Dealing with Mold. Approval # CRSE2309-0015
  • Getting Decked - And Choosing How That Happens Approval # CRSE2309-0018
  • Mechanic's Lien Law Approval. # CRSE2309-0017
  • Women in the Construction Workplace - Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection. Approval # CRSE2309-0010
  • Professional Ethics for Contractors. Approval # CRSE2309-0011
  • Reducing Energy Costs Through Fenestration Optimization. Approval # CRSE2309-0009
  • REMODology Part I - Get Paid for Your Time and Up-front Remodeling. Approval # CRSE2309-0020
  • REMODology Part II - The Feasibility Study. Approval # CRSE2309-0008
  • REMODology Part III - The Design Review. Approval # CRSE2309-0019

For more information visit the Minnesota DLI Continuing Education for Licensees Web page .

Selected Courses

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Courses in Your Cart

 Category SelectedRequired
 Energy Related 0 1
 Business Management Related 0 1
 Total Hours: 0 14
credit card image
PDF course Non-timed, read-only PDF document with online testing at the end.

speaker 2 Audio-visual course for computers, tablets and smartphones.

Energy Related (you must choose at least one hour from this category)

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseMinimizing Energy Use in Buildings sample 2.00 $28.00
multimedia courseReducing Energy Costs Through Fenestration Optimization (GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $14.00

Business Management Related (you must choose at least one hour from this category)

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseProfessional Ethics for Contractors sample 2.00 $28.00
multimedia courseREMODology Part I - Get Paid for Your Time and Up-front Remodeling (GEN) sample 2.00 $28.00
multimedia courseREMODology Part II - The Feasibility Study (BSP/GEN) sample 2.00 $28.00
multimedia courseREMODology Part III - The Design Review (BSP/GEN) 2.00 $28.00


Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseAdvanced Wall Framing Techniques (GEN) 1.00 $14.00
multimedia courseAgeless by Design(TM) sample 2.00 $28.00
multimedia courseDanger in the Damp - Dealing with Mold (HSW) sample 2.00 $28.00
multimedia courseGetting Decked - And Choosing How That Happens sample 2.00 $28.00
multimedia courseMechanic's Lien Law (BSP/GEN) 2.00 $28.00
multimedia courseWomen in the Construction Workplace - Providing Equitable Safety and Health Protection (WPS/GEN) 1.00 $14.00

Minnesota approved providers are required to report course completions to the state within 14 days of course completion. In practice, Pace typically reports your courses within 2 business days, much quicker than the 14 days required by the state. Once reported, the course status will display a "Sent to State" icon rather than the "Completed" icon. You also can print out a Certificate of Completion for each course for your own records.

Minnesota Residential Builders(QB), Remodelers(QC) and Roofers(QR) are required to take 14 hours of appropriate and related knowledge in residential construction, including applicable federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. One (1) hour of the 14 hours must include instruction related to energy codes or energy conservation measures applicable to residential structures.