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Nebraska CE providers are required to report course completion to the NSED. Pace sends an electronic acknowledgement (email) to the NSEB immediately upon successful completion of each course. Once reported, the course status will display a "Reported" icon rather than the "Completed" icon. You also may print out a Certificate of Completion for each course for your own records.

Nebraska licensed electricians are required to complete twelve contact hours of continuing education by January 1 of each odd numbered year. The contact hours shall include a minimum of six contact hours studying the National Electrical Code described in Section 81-2104 of the State Electrical Act, and the remaining contact hours may include study of electrical circuit theory, blueprint reading, transformer and motor theory, electrical circuits and devices, control systems, programmable controllers, and microcomputers or any other study of electrical-related material that is approved by the board. Any additional hours studying the National Electrical Code shall be acceptable.