is approved by the American Institute of Architects (AIA Provider # J607) to provide online continuing education courses to architects.
Since 2003 has delivered over 1.5 million online continuing education hours to more than 60,000 AEC professionals nationwide. Our online interactive audio/visual courses feature narration, images and illustrations. Our PDF format is a non-timed, read-only course with online testing at the end.
Note to AIA Members: New AIA rules do not allow its members to retake the same course at any time.
Massachusetts Board of Registration of Architects Continuing Education Requirements
Architects registered in Massachusetts must earn a minimum of 12 credits annually, 8 of which must be in Health, Safety and Welfare (HSW) topics. One hour equals one credit. Credits must be earned within the 12-month license renewal cycle; Sept. 1 through Aug. 31.This continuing education requirement has been in place since the 2003-2004 license years.
Note: Any course or program approved by the AIA, CSI or NCARB is automatically accepted by the Board. All of the courses listed below have been approved by the AIA for HSW credit.
View the Massachusetts Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Reporting, Record Keeping and Auditing
The License renewal form will have a check-off required which certifies that the renewing architect has met the CE requirements. A random audit will be performed after the renewals are received. Those selected for audit will be required to submit written documentation of their CE activities. AIA transcripts showing qualified continuing education activities will be acceptable documentation.
Volume Discount
Purchase 10 or more hours and receive 40% off. Use Code "MAAR40".