Since 2003, has delivered over 1.5 million online continuing education (CE) hours to more than 60,000 AEC professionals nationwide. Our online interactive audio/visual courses feature narration, images and illustrations.

Continuing education providers and courses for Kansas Contractors are approved at the individual jurisdiction level. Currently has been approved as an online continuing education provider for the City of Salina and the City of Manhattan.

If you are in another jurisdiction we would be happy to try to get your jusrisdiction to approve our courses too. For more details contact one of our CE specialists, at (800) 576-4341 ext. 1016.

City of Salina Online Continuing Education Requirements

The City of Salina requires that contractors complete 18 continuing education hours, at least 9 of which must be code hours, to renew their license for each three year cycle. Licensing is done through the city clerks office. After you complete each course you will be able to print out a Certificate of Completion yourself. These completion certificates should be sent in with your renewal paperwork. For more contractor information you can contact the City of Salina clerks office at (785) 309-5735 or to visit their Web site, click here.



City of Manhattan Online Continuing Education Requirements

Every licensed general contractor shall name a designated representative in the full-time employment of that contractor who shall complete at least 12 hours of continuing education biennially in order to renew the license. At least six of those hours shall be in approved education that is related to the codes adopted by the city. The building official shall identify courses and education programs provided by governmental entities, trade associations, contractor education providers, and others on the codes adopted by the City of Manhattan, Kansas, which satisfy the continuing education requirements of this section.

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 Category SelectedRequired
 Code Courses 0 9
 Total Hours: 0 18
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PDF course Non-timed, read-only PDF document with online testing at the end.

speaker 2 Audio-visual course for computers, tablets and smartphones.

Code Courses

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Non-code Courses

City of Salina licensing is done through the city clerks office. After you complete each course you will be able to print out a Certificate of Completion yourself. These completion certificates should be sent in with your renewal paperwork. For more contractor information you can contact the City of Salina clerks office at (785) 309-5735 or to visit their Web site, click here.

Continuing education providers and courses for Kansas Contractors are approved at the individual jurisdiction level. Currently has been approved as an online continuing education provider for the City of Salina.

The City of Salina requires that contractors complete 18 continuing education hours to renew their license for each three year cycle. Of the courses listed below, they will allow 1 - 18 hours from the General Building Courses category with no more than 5 hours from the Workplace Safety Courses category and no more than 5 hours from the Business Practices Courses category.