Board: North Carolina Board of Architecture
Credit Hours: 2.00
Rating: 6 ratings
Approval Number: J607LGL34
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Course Description
This two hour interactive distance learning course takes a comprehensive look at sexual harassment at the workplace and on the job site. The course covers the effects of sexual harassment and how injurious it can be to the employee and the business.
By the end of this class the participant will have a thorough understanding of the types of sexual harassment, retaliation, company liability, proper investigation of a complaint, remedies, preventative measures and much more.
This is a topic relevant to any business, including the construction and electrical contractor industries.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:
- Define what is meant by sexual harassment.
- List the physical and emotional effects of sexual harassment
- State the legal definition of sexual harassment
- Describe the types of sexual harassment
- Discuss what is meant by ‘retaliation’ in relation to sexual harassment
- Outline company liability for supervisor and/or co-worker sexual harassment
- Discuss your own liability when it comes to sexual harassment
- Explain the employer’s obligation to conduct an investigation
- Describe what to do if you are accused of sexual harassment
- Prescribe workplace remedies
- Detail how to prevent sexual harassment
- Outline how to recognize sexual harassment
- Cite several recent cases of sexual harassment
- Give examples of employer frequently asked questions concerning sexual harassment
Instructor Bio
Bonnie Prinse
Ms. Prinse holds a BS Degree in Environmental Studies from Eckerd College and has pursued master degree studies in Aquatic Zoology at the University of South Florida. She has written scientific portions of impact statements for wetland/upland land delineation, endangered species studies, and water quality testing while employed with a civil engineering and architectural firm in Tampa, FL. Her experience in environmental studies and new construction lend itself to documentary film making, particularly environmental stories that have taken her to the Amazon in Peru and to Costa Rica. Most recently her involvement with earthen construction projects led to a video production showcasing the benefits of building “green.”