Since 2003, has delivered over 1.5 million online continuing education hours to more than 60,000 AEC professionals nationwide. Our online interactive audio/visual courses feature narration, images and illustrations. is a trusted industry leader that has delivered over 400,000 hours of education to contractors and electricians across the USA. Now Pace offers all of our education courses to the general public!

Do you hold a state or municipality license that requires education hours to renew? If your state currently requires education but does not require the courses to be approved specifically by their board, Pace can help.

Have you ever been curious about learning more regarding the construction or electrical industry? Although the Pace courses will not certify you in any trade, they offer detailed insight on many industry techniques and guidelines to help you better understand how the work is accomplished.

Pace General Education courses are also great training courses for your crew. If you would like to brush them up on safety, management, or new techniques in the trade, Pace courses will be the perfect fit for you.

Check out all of our available courses below and discover how much you can learn from Pace!

Selected Courses

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PDF course Non-timed, read-only PDF document with online testing at the end.

speaker 2 Audio-visual course for computers, tablets and smartphones.


Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseAdvanced Framing and Drywall Repair and Replacement sample 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseAgeless by Design(TM) sample 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseGetting Decked - And Choosing How That Happens sample 2.00 $18.00

Energy Efficiency/Green Building

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseBuilding for Energy Efficiency (BSP/T/GEN) (HSW) 1.00 $9.00
multimedia courseDaylighting for Energy Efficiency (BSP/T/GEN) 1.00 $9.00
multimedia courseDeveloping Your Stormwater Prevention Plan (GEN) 2.00 $18.00
multimedia courseIndoor Environmental Quality (GEN) (HSW) 3.00 $27.00
multimedia courseThe Building Envelope (BSP/GEN) 1.00 $9.00
multimedia courseUrban Heat Islands sample 2.00 $22.00


Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseADA Guide for Small Towns (BSP/GEN) 1.00 $9.00
multimedia courseAdvanced Florida Building Code 8th Edition (2023) Accessibility 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseHome Builder’s Guide to Coastal Construction (GEN) (HSW) 4.00 $36.00
multimedia courseMechanic's Lien Law (BSP/GEN) 2.00 $22.00
multimedia courseProfessional Ethics for Contractors sample 2.00 $12.00
multimedia courseWorkers Compensation - A Brief History (WC/GEN) 1.00 $9.00
multimedia courseWorkers Compensation - Understanding Chapter 440 (WC/GEN) 1.00 $9.00

National Electrical Code (NEC)

Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseAnalysis of Changes 2023 NEC - Part 3 - Article 518 through Chapter 9 sample 4.00 $36.00
multimedia courseOne- and Two-Family Dwelling Electrical Systems - Part I (2023 NEC) 4.00 $36.00


Course Sample Credit Hours Price
multimedia courseFall Protection (WPS/GEN) 2.00 $18.00
multimedia courseHand and Power Tools Safety (WPS/GEN) 1.00 $11.00
multimedia courseLead and Other Metals in Construction (WPS/GEN) 3.00 $27.00
multimedia courseLockout/Tagout (WPS/GEN) 2.00 $18.00
multimedia courseMaterials Handling, Storage, Use, and Disposal (WPS/GEN) 1.00 $9.00
multimedia courseScaffolds and Scaffold Safety (WPS/GEN) 1.00 $9.00
multimedia courseSexual Harassment in the Workplace (GEN) 2.00 $12.00
multimedia courseStairways and Ladders Safety (WPS/GEN) 1.00 $9.00
multimedia courseSuspended Scaffolds (WPS/GEN) 1.00 $9.00


Course Sample Credit Hours Price

Pace does not report completed General Education courses to any entity. Certificates of completion are available instantly upon completion of the course and can be printed indefinitely thereafter from your account.

If you are completing Pace courses to comply with a state board or municipality, please ensure that our courses will be accepted by the desired board prior to starting your courses. Many states do not have a specific approval process for courses but require you complete the courses from a University, Trade school, IAEI or an Education company, which is what is considered.