Instructor: David Arnold

Board: Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Credit Hours: 2.00
12 ratings

Approval Number: PACE-0631

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Course Description

This interactive distance-learning course is an extensive and popular program analyzing the major changes to the National Electrical Code (NEC®) for the 2023 cycle. Members of the eighteen NEC® code-making panels contributed to the development of the authoritative text used in this online course. The course includes analysis of more than fifty of the most significant power limited related electrical code changes along with ten expert commentary video clips.

This course also covers both the Advanced and Technical requirements for the Florida ECLB.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Understand code-wide changes
  • Discuss Article 100 definition changes and requirements for electrical installations
  • Describe code changes related to wiring and protection
  • Identify wiring methods and materials code changes
  • Explain code changes to equipment for general use
  • Recognize special occupancies code changes
  • Express code changes related to special equipment and conditions
  • Discuss communications systems code changes
  • Summarize code changes to NEC tables


Instructor Bio

David Arnold
Pace Continuing Education
4030 Henderson Blvd., #379
Tampa, Florida 33629
(813) 322-8227

We encourage students to contact David with any question related to online delivery, course management and even technical support. David has facilitated online courses since 2003 and has a wealth of knowledge which he is happy to share.

In addition, Pace has a partnership with the International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) to provide you with access to content experts. IAEI publishes a 400+ page Analysis of Changes book each electrical code cycle, which is the content basis for this course. We encourage students to contact Joseph Wages, Jr. with any content related questions and he will provide you with a prompt response. He has a wealth of industry knowledge which he is happy to share. Before his position as Director of Digital Education he was the Technical Advisor, Education, Codes and Standards Specialist and the Seminar Coordinator. In addition to being a Master Electrician, Joseph is an ICC Certified Building Official and holds certifications as Building Plans Examiner, Building Inspector, Chief Building Code Analyst and One- and Two-Family Dwelling Inspector. You can contact Joseph at

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