Instructor: Charles Barr

Board: Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) - Commercial

Credit Hours: 2.00

Approval Number: PACE-0587

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Course Description

This course is part of a series of courses on the Conflict-Free Home Remodeling Process written by Stephen Gidus. In this course the learner will focus on the step called Final Plans & Specifications.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

  • Identify and explain the working set of drawings and their composition
  • State the homeowner's role in technical decisions of the remodel
  • State reasons for utilizing the expertise of an interior designer
  • Relate the remodeler's role in product selection
  • List events or circumstances in the remodel project that can be affected by product selection
  • Identify the components in an Interior Detail Drawing
  • List reasons why the Interior Detail Drawing is important to the remodeling project
  • List the Interior Detail Drawings and provide a summary of each one
  • Describe the Bid Conference such as location, purpose, attendees and where it occurs in the process
  • List the types of information contained in the Project Specifications part of the process Conflict-Free Home Remodeling Process
  • List the types of information contained in the Construction Specifications part of the remodeling process
  • Explain what comprises the General Conditions section of the construction agreement
  • List items or considerations that go into the cost for the Final Plans & Specifications step of the Pre-Construction phase
  • List items or considerations that go into the Final Agreement
  • Detail items or considerations that go into the Final Budget
  • Detail items or considerations that go into the Financial Agreement


Instructor Bio

Chuck BarrCharles (Chuck) Barr

Chuck has more licenses than anyone we at Pace has ever come across, including multiple Contractor and Electrical Contractor licenses, Building Official, Building Inspector and Plans Examiner licenses. Chuck has held Building Official positions (CBO) in Orange City and Fernandina Beach, Florida and is also an approved Florida Building Commission Advanced course accredditor. Aside from all his construction related licenses, Chuck is a licensed fixed wing commercial flight instructor, a rotary wing flight instructor and holds a Ship Captains license, not sure if he has a fishing license.

Chuck is essentially retired at the present and probably spends most of his time completing continuing education for his multitude of licenses inside and outside the construction industry when he's not instructing our online courses.

Florida Licenses and Certifications
CGC1508079 - Unlimited General Contractor, CFC1426436 - Unlimited Plumbing Contractor, EC13002676 - Unlimited Electrical Contractor, CAC1814258 - Unlimited Air Conditioning Contractor, BU908 - Florida Building Code Administrator (CBO), PX1172 - Plans Examiner (Standard)(Commercial/Residential) Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Air Conditioning, BN2685 - Building Inspector (Standard)(Commercial/Residential)Building, Plumbing, Electrical and Air Conditioning

Certified Distance Education Instructor (CDEI Verification ID: 67945) through the International Distance Education Certification Center (

IAEI (International Association of Electrical Inspectors)
BOAF (Building Officials Association of Florida)
Approved Advanced Course Accredditor, Florida Building Commission

Other Approvals