Instructor: Greg Taylor

Board: West Virginia State Board of Registration for Professional Engineers

Credit Hours: 3.00

Approval Number: PACE-0503

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Course Description

This course is the second in a series that summarizes the geometric design process for modern roundabouts. Its contents are intended to serve as guidance and not as an absolute standard or rule.

Upon course completion, you should be familiar with the general design guidelines for modern roundabouts. The course objective is to give engineers and designers an in-depth look at the principles to be considered when selecting and designing roundabouts.

As in the previous course, Chapter 6 of the FHWA Roundabout Guide (NCHRP Report 672 – Roundabouts: An Informational Guide, 2nd Edition) will be used primarily for the fundamental design principles of modern roundabouts. This document is intended to explain some principles of good design and show the potential trade-offs that the designer may have to face in a variety of situations.

Course Objectives

This course addresses the design of modern roadway roundabouts. The contents of this document are intended to serve as guidance and not as an absolute standard or rule.

Course topics covered will include:

Multilane Roundabouts
Entry Width; Circulatory Roadway Width; Entry Geometry and Approach Alignment; Splitter Islands; Exit Curves
Performance Checks
Fastest Path; Sight Distance; Angles of Visibility
Closely Spaced Roundabouts
Regulatory; Warning; Guide
Pavement Markings
Approach & Departure; Circulatory Roadway

Upon course completion, the participant should be familiar with the fundamentals of modern roundabouts. The course will present various aspects to be considered when selecting and designing these intersections.

Instructor Bio

Greg Taylor has worked for the Tennessee Department of Transportation as the Civil Engineering Manager since 1978. He is responsible for all types of roadway projects including State routes, bridges and estimates. He performs all phases of civil engineering design work including erosion control, hydrology, andgrading, while adhering to State regulations. He has also been a logistics and support officer for the Tennessee Air National Guard from 1985 to 2006. Greg hold a M.S. and B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Tennessee as well as an M.S. in Engineering Management also from the University of Tennessee.

Other Approvals