Instructor: Harlan Bengtson

Board: Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Credit Hours: 4.00

Approval Number: PACE-0470

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Course Description

This course is intended for civil engineers, hydraulic engineers, highway engineers, environmental engineers, and hydrologists. After completing this course you will be able to carry out hydraulic design of storm sewers to determine diameter, slope and depth of invert at each manhole for the length of storm sewer between two successive manholes. Also, after completing this course, you will also be able to set up an Excel program to carry out hydraulic design for successive lengths of storm sewer.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Determine the value for runoff coefficient for a drainage area with known land use, SCS soil group, and approximate surface slope.
  • Determine the rainfall intensity for specified storm duration and return period at a specified location if given an I-D-F table or graph for that location.
  • Estimate the overland flow travel time for a drainage area using the Manning Kinetic Equation.
  • Estimate channel flow travel time using Manning’s Open Channel Flow Equation.
  • Estimate peak runoff rate from a drainage area using the Rational Method.
  • Calculate design diameter and slope for a length of storm sewer between two successive manholes using Method I and Method II as outlined in this course.
  • Determine the velocity and flow rate in a circular pipe flowing partially full if enough information is available to calculate the full pipe velocity and flow rate.
  • Carry out the overall hydraulic design of a length of storm sewer between two successive manholes.
  • Use Excel to make storm sewer hydraulic design calculations for lengths of storm sewer between successive manholes.

Instructor Bio

Dr. Bengtson is a graduate of Iowa State University with B.S. and M.S. degrees and of the University of Colorado with a PhD. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Missouri. He has spent 30 years in engineering education in teaching and administrative positions, including six years as Dean of Engineering at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. His areas of expertise are environmental engineering, hydrology and hydraulics, engineering science and renewable energy systems. He did consulting work while holding the academic positions. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Bengtson worked for Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing as a Product Development Engineer and for E. I. duPont deNemours as a Process Development Engineer. Dr. Bengtson has authored numerous publications, presentations and technical reports. He is currently active in providing continuing education opportunities for Professional Engineers and is the founder of and, sites with the objective of providing inexpensive, easy to use Excel spreadsheets for a variety of engineering calculations.

Other Approvals