Board: Florida Electrical Contractor (ECLB)
Credit Hours: 1.00
Rating: 13 ratings
Approval Number: 0008180
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Course Description
This one hour interactive distance-learning course was designed to provide the Florida Building Inspector with an understanding of how the Workers Compensation Law came to be. Workers’ Compensation is the oldest form of social insurance and has its roots steeped in history. It is an interesting journey to see how the oldest types of insurance, dating back thousands of years, paired up with the legal profession and evolved into our modern law. The course culminates with a look at how Florida developed its own Workers Compensation law, where we are today and what the future holds. The course then wraps up with a timeline of the history of the laws.
Course Topics
- Introduction to the Course
- Types of Insurances Described and The Origins
- Modern Influences in Europe
- The Legal Profession and Its Influences on the Law
- The Great Tradeoff : States Take Their Turn
- The Florida Experience: How We Progressed
- Now And The Future: Past Changes and the Likely Future
- History: A Bulleted Timeline
Course Objectives
Upon sucessful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
- Discuss how we arrived at the current Workers’ Compensation Law
- State who influenced the evolution of the law up to today
- Describe what the law has been and is to the federal and state governments
- Understand the history behind Florida’s law as it is today
- Explain why we need Workers' Compensation law
Instructor Bio
Bonnie Prinse
Ms. Prinse holds a BS Degree in Environmental Studies from Eckerd College and has pursued master degree studies in Aquatic Zoology at the University of South Florida. She has written scientific portions of impact statements for wetland/upland land delineation, endangered species studies, and water quality testing while employed with a civil engineering and architectural firm in Tampa, FL. Her experience in environmental studies and new construction lend itself to documentary film making, particularly environmental stories that have taken her to the Amazon in Peru and to Costa Rica. Most recently her involvement with earthen construction projects led to a video production showcasing the benefits of building “green.”