Instructor: Bonnie Prinse

Board: Mississippi Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Surveyors

Credit Hours: 1.00
23 ratings

Approval Number: PACE-0205

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Course Description

This one hour interactive distance-learning course is designed to provide a general overview of energy efficient ventilation principles and techniques. Many design techniques found in the natural world work for us with equal success. With so much needed attention paid to conserving natural resources and energy, populations more than ever depend on how construction professionals create highly efficient living and working spaces. All buildings ideally should exploit the natural systems available for free that mitigate the structure’s overall need for energy… natural air conditioning is one of a myriad of options available to help us reach that goal.


Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand energy efficient ventilation has been used historically and explain how it is used in modern construction throughout the world today
  • Describe how a few modern day buildings successfully employ natural ventilation principles in their buildings
  • Suggest convective air movement and how to integrate into your construction
  • Summarize other means of enhancing air flow and cooling in a building and how to implement energy efficient air conditioning

Instructor Bio

Bonnie PrinseBonnie Prinse

Ms. Prinse holds a BS Degree in Environmental Studies from Eckerd College and has pursued master degree studies in Aquatic Zoology at the University of South Florida. She has written scientific portions of impact statements for wetland/upland land delineation, endangered species studies, and water quality testing while employed with a civil engineering and architectural firm in Tampa, FL. Her experience in environmental studies and new construction lend itself to documentary film making, particularly environmental stories that have taken her to the Amazon in Peru and to Costa Rica. Most recently her involvement with earthen construction projects led to a video production showcasing the benefits of building “green.”

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