Instructor: Paul Spite

Board: North Carolina Board of Architecture

Credit Hours: 2.00
10 ratings

Approval Number: J607LGL29

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Course Description

Welcome to the course ADA Paths - No One Left Behind. This is part 1 of a 3-part series looking at an overview of the Codes of Federal Regulations 28 CFR Part 35.151 - New Construction and Alterations and 28 CFR Part 36, Subpart D - New Construction and Alterations with specific focuses on the regulations covering the applicability of these guidelines, parking requirements for facilities, accessible routes from parking to facility entrances and entries and doors suitable for use by the disabled.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Recognize the difference between accessibility laws mandated for buildings constructed using governmental funds, accessibility guidelines for buildings built by private entities for public use, and practical exceptions to both
  • Suggest principles to ensure parking facilities accommodate use by the handicapped
  • Summarize the importance of providing accessible routes between parking facilities and building points of entry
  • Discuss materials and methods to construct walking surfaces allowing easy passage and use by the handicapped, including stairs and ramps
  • Describe design principles resulting in making vertical transportation equipment, like lifts and elevators, of better use to the handicapped
  • Explain maneuvering clearances needed at, and between, doors and gates


Instructor Bio

Paul SpitePaul Spite, BS, BA
AFD Consulting, Founder and Principal

Paul is a Registered Architect with over forty years of experience, a course developer and has been a teacher in multiple venues in the past. He is also a writer in many venues, having developed many studies, a few published articles, numerous short stories, multiple screenplays, two non-fiction manuals for church design and one novel. More to the focus of this endeavor, Paul has also created presentations for twenty-six lunch and learn presentations for building material manufacturers, webinars covering the subjects of Aging-in-Place and Architectural Acoustics and eleven distance learning courses for architects, engineers and contractors. As he nears retirement from managing his small architectural practice, Paul hopes to focus even more of his energy on teaching and on course development.

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