Board: Florida Electrical Contractor (ECLB)
Credit Hours: 1.00
Rating: 7 ratings
Approval Number: 0008178
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Course Description
This interactive distance-learning course is designed to emphasize hazard identification, avoidance and control — not standards, in an effort to train workers on precautions against accidents in the workplace with stairs and ladders. No attempt has been made to treat the topic exhaustively and it is not to be taken as a substitute for any of the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 or for any standards issued by the US Department of Labor.
This one hour of instruction we will discuss the following topics:
- Rules for all ladders
- Rules for stairways
- Training requirements
- Glossary of terms
- OSHA assistance
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course participants will have a basic understanding of:
- Rules for all ladders including stepladders, portable ladders, fixed ladders and defective ladders
- Rules for stairways including stairways used during construction, temporary stairs, stair rails, handrails and mid-rails.
- Responsibilities of employers to train employees
- Basic glossary terms
- OSHA’s Safety and Health Program Management Guidelines
Instructor Bio
Bonnie Prinse
Ms. Prinse holds a BS Degree in Environmental Studies from Eckerd College and has pursued master degree studies in Aquatic Zoology at the University of South Florida. She has written scientific portions of impact statements for wetland/upland land delineation, endangered species studies, and water quality testing while employed with a civil engineering and architectural firm in Tampa, FL. Her experience in environmental studies and new construction lend itself to documentary film making, particularly environmental stories that have taken her to the Amazon in Peru and to Costa Rica. Most recently her involvement with earthen construction projects led to a video production showcasing the benefits of building “green.”