Instructor: Rosalie Leone
Board: Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) - Commercial
Credit Hours: 1.00
Approval Number: PACE-0244
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Board: Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) - Commercial
Credit Hours: 1.00
Approval Number: PACE-0244
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Course Description
This one hour course reviews the fundamentals of building construction and architectural styles and presents the purpose of construction, classifications of structures, how walls are built, and end with wood joining methods. The following topics will be discussed in detail:
- Basic Structural Requirements
- Classifications of Structures
- Interior Wall Types
- Wood Joining
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of this course, the participant will be able to:
- identify the basic structural requirements in construction
- discuss the different classifications of structures
- describe types of wood joints
- explain how wood joints are assembled
- recognize the uses of different joints