Instructor: John Menken

Board: Florida Board of Professional Engineers (FBPE)

Credit Hours: 2.00
805 ratings

Approval Number: PACE-0602

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Course Description

This two-hour course examines construction lien law as it is used in the construction contractor and subcontractor industries, including specific references to Construction Lien Law, Florida Statute 713 Part I. The course details the different aspects of the construction liens such as how they are used, preserving your rights, steps for filing, and much more. By the end of this class the participant will have a thorough understanding of the construction lien law including their use, benefits, timing, importance of project information, how it is affected by sale, foreclosure, bankruptcy, the role of waivers, and other important themes.

Course Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, the participants will be able to:

  • Define the term Construction/Mechanic’s lien and describe its purpose
  • Determine their security rights with a client or within the state of Florida
  • Explain the importance of project information as it relates to mechanic’s liens
  • Demonstrate where to look for deadlines and procedures for preserving mechanic's lien rights
  • Discuss the importance of pre-filing
  • State what constitutes completion of a project and/or claimant’s last work
  • Relate the deadlines for open account suppliers
  • Express the importance of tickle systems
  • Describe the necessity of being able to trace labor or materials
  • Explain the reasoning behind the service of lien notice

Instructor Bio

John Menken has been in corporate education for over 30 years. His background covers all aspects of enterprise training including instructional design, technical writing, internal consulting, eLearning, multimedia development, mobile learning, web programming and online/standup training, including international, in both soft skills and technical areas.

John has authored course materials for both colleges and private industry and in his current role as a trainer for a major southeastern utility company he puts together courseware, curricula, job aids, presentations, marketing videos and eLearnings to support learning initiatives of all types. He has many HR-related implementations to his credit and has managed training groups as large as twelve people.

John's current focus is directing learning more towards desired behaviors and less on content, and his past times are kayaking, running, rodbuilding and visiting his two adult children who act like they still need him. John’s been married for over 30 years and claims anything more precise is not possible.

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